Last friday was a rainy and windy day. I was home, a bit bored and I started to make a bit of sorting in my kid’s bedroom. I gave him my old Legos from the eighties and obviously, like a modern kid, he did not really cared about the instructions, after all, it’s some written paper, who still cares about that nowadays ?! When I got them back to store them in a safer place, his bedroom being a battleground, I remembered when I was myself a kid, when I was building and rebuilding them again and nostalgia started to appear…
Then, I decided to build the forklift but quickly realized that most of the pieces were old and dirty, if not lost and that it could be a bit difficult to complete the model.
So, I went back to modern Legos and started to rebuild the model with studless parts, which is in my humble opinion much more difficult than with old parts. Technically, those classic sets are built from the bottom to the top, like traditionnal legos, which is not the way studless sets are made. They require more thinking, because you always to consider what you will have to build after what you’re currently preparing.
The main difficulty of this moc is that it has a width of 10 studs, which is a even number, whereas studless Legos are made for models of an odd size ! When you were using a studfull liftarm of 16 in the past, you use a studless one of 15 now ! With classic Legos, you can easily place an axle in the center of a 2×4 plate, with studless ones, it becomes a challenge, you can’t even find a 4 studs liftarm, it only exists as a thin one, and with 4 holes, it has no center…
So I made the choice to make the inner chassis, holding the rear steering of an odd size, and to keep the width of the bodywork to 10 studs and it reveals itself to be a good choice, simplifying greatly the creation process. It took me 5 hours to complete that remake, 5 hours of good time, I enjoyed doing it, and I’m quite happy to share the instructions now on the blog !
Download the PDF instructions : Studless Remake Classic 850 Forklift (1509 downloads )